Microbiome professionals
We believe in the enormous potential of the microbiome and fecal transplantation.We want to help make them concrete and accessible.

Angiolella Lombardi
Degree in biological sciences, she worked for many years in a public research and services institute for the food sector. She is currently microbiology advisor for several food and pharma companies, specialized in product innovation and quality. She is also contract professor at the University of Padua.

Barbara Di Camilla
Prof. of bioinformatics
She is full professor in Computer Science at DEI, University of Padua. She works on the development and application of advanced modeling, data mining and machine learning methods for biological data analysis in the field of bioinformatics and systems biology.

Barbara Simionati
Biologist & CEO
She has a bachelor's degree in biology and a master's in business and management; she worked at the University of Padua in a genomics and bioinformatics research group. She was co-founder and director of BMR Genomics, a spin-off of the University of Padua. She is the sole director of EuBiome and contract professor at the University of Padua.

Cecilia Giron
Prof. of pharmacology
She is associate professor of Pharmacology at the University of Padua. Her research is focused both on the study of the interaction of the enteric nervous system with the immune system and the microbiota in inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, and on epidemiological analyzes of the use of drugs in populations suffering from infectious and/or degenerative diseases.

Edoardo Savarino
Prof. of gastroenterology
He is associate professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Padua. He is mainly interested in neurogastroenterology, motility, pathophysiology and immune-mediated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. He deals with fecal transplants at the Padua hospital.

Federico Sebastiani
Biologist and manager
Degree in Biology and PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology. Since 2000 he has worked in the Life Science and Diagnostics market for companies such as Applied Biosystems, Dako, Illumina, Hamilton Robotics and Sophia Genetics, in technical and commercial positions in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India and China. Head of the blog Science4Life.

Luca Bargelloni
Prof. of animal genomics
He is full professor of applied biology at the School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Padua. He has been working in animal genomics for over 20 years; has published over 120 articles in high impact journals, including Nature and PNAS.

Micky Del Favero
System Engineer
He studied computer engineering at the University of Padua. He designs, implements and manages computer and network infrastructures through his consulting firm.

Sonia Facchin
Biologist and nutritionist
Degree in biology, PhD in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2nd level Master in Human Nutrition, Safety and Food Education. She worked at the University of Padua on proteomics projects. She has been involved in Research and Development at Ananas Nanotech, a spin-off of the University of Padua, and since 2012 she collaborates with the Gastroenterology group of the University of Padua, in particular on the modulation of the intestinal microbiome and fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT).

Vittorio Lucchini
Biologist and entrepreneur
He has a degree in biology from the University of Bologna and two masters in Molecular Diagnostics and Personalized Nutrition. He worked as a researcher in conservation genetics at the ISPRA institute. In 2006 he founded the NGB Genetics Srl, spin off of the University of Ferrara, of which he is CEO.

Giada Innocente, Dr.
Biotechnologist, she deals with microbiological aspects applied to production, quality control and research and development.

Ilaria Patuzzi, Phd.
Mathematics with a PhD in Bioengineering, she deals with bioinformatics analysis and artificial intelligence applied to production and research and development.

Federica Andreatta, DMV
Veterinarian, she contributes to the contextualization of the microbiome in the clinical setting.
Characterization of Gut Microbiome Composition in Patients with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy,
Vernaci G, Savarino EV, Patuzzi I, Facchin S, Zingone F, Massa D, Faggioni G, Giarratano T, Miglietta F, Griguolo G, Fassan M, Lo Mele M, Gasparini E, Bisagni G, Guarneri F, Dieci MV.
The Oncologist, 2023
Machine Learning and Canine Chronic Enteropathies: A New Approach to Investigate FMT Effects.
Innocente G, Patuzzi I, Furlanello T, Di Camillo B, Bargelloni L, Giron MC, Facchin S, Savarino E, Azzolin M, Simionati B.
Vet Sci . 2022
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