Test Microbiome Pet

 Conoscere e monitorare la flora intestinale del tuo pet per il suo benessere.

Health and well-being are closely linked to a balanced microbiome.

Knowing it helps you take care of your furry friend.

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How does microbiome analysis work?

Si inizia prelevando semplicemente una piccola quantità di materiale fecale.
Si invia il campione al laboratorio. 
I tecnici "leggono" il DNA dei batteri contenuti nelle feci e lo interpretano. 
Si ottiene una fotografia di "chi c'è e quanto ce n'è".
Si valuta il livello di disbiosi comparando il profilo con una popolazione di animali sani.

Keep reading below for more details about the test.

The fecal sample is collected from fresh feces, just emitted, to prevent alteration of the microbial composition.

In the TMP kit, there is a cotton swab that is immersed in the feces to collect an amount equivalent to a grain of rice. The cotton swab is then placed into the tube provided in the kit and immersed in the preservation liquid it contains.

Once the fecal material is well dissolved in the liquid, the walls of the microbes break open and release their DNA, which remains stable at room temperature for several weeks. The tube is then sent to the laboratory.

The tube containing the microbial DNA is inserted into the metagenomic data production line.

First, purified DNA is extracted, and a fraction of this is used to amplify (PCR) the V3-V4 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene, known as the barcoding gene. The sequence of this region allows identification of the bacterial species.

The remaining DNA is stored at -80°C. The amplified product is checked and appropriately prepared for sequencing.

The sequencing is performed on Illumina MiSeq and yields FASTQ files.

In the pre-processing phase, DNA sequences in the FASTQ file are checked and potentially discarded. Only high-quality sequences are used in the analysis phase.

Through a proprietary pipeline integrating Qiime software, each variant (ASV or amplicon sequence variant) is counted and compared against a specific database (Greengenes) containing all sequences previously published by researchers, along with associated bacterial taxonomy.

The final step involves comparison with a healthy reference population.

At the end of the process, the composition of the bacterial fraction of the microbiome is obtained and compared to a healthy population, allowing for the evaluation of any altered states of the microbiome.


The final report summarizes the results obtained in a simple and straightforward manner.

It consists of a series of views regarding the most relevant aspects of the microbiome: biodiversity indices, patobionts, core microbiome, and, in the case of comparative reports, differences between PRE and POST, acquired species, and lost species.

In conclusion, there are comments and suggestions from our experts in the microbiome of dogs and cats.

When to do the Pet Microbiome Test

If you suspect dysbiosis

  • Recurrent gastrointestinal issues: diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss

  • Prolonged use of antibiotics

  • Recurrent infections

  • Atopic dermatitis

  • Other chronic and autoimmune diseases.

Nei sei sicuro si tratti di disbiosi?

Take the free DISBIOSIS QUEST questionnaire

Treatment monitoring

Monitor the changes in the microbiome before and after a diet or other targeted treatment aimed at modulating the microbiome.


To understand your animal's microbiome and delve into this fascinating world, contributing to knowledge.

How does it work?

Choose the service that interests you

Order online or contact us for a quote

Take the sample

Send it to the laboratory

Receive the report

Why choose EuBiome?

Our reports are simple and helpful

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We are experts in microbiome

We have expertise in microbiology, bioinformatics, gastroenterology, genomics, and other disciplines necessary to work professionally on microbiome research.

We specialize in dogs and cats

Interpreting microbiome data requires specific knowledge, as each species has a unique microbiome.

With us, you can access microbiome transplantation

If the Dog Microbiome Test or the Cat Microbiome Test detects dysbiosis, it is possible to access fecal microbiota transplantation to restore eubiosis.

Test Microbiome Pet helps to evaluate and treat dysbiosis.

Do not wait, dysbiosis can have severe conseguences.

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