Discover the world fecal transplantation in pets
EuBiome webinars
Fecal transplant in practice
Basic concepts of fecal transplantation
Pet Microbiome Test in enteropathies YOU NEED!
4 episodes on the microbiome test
Fecal transplant and microbiome in dogs and cats
Two evenings and one day of seminars in attendance in Padua.
Warning: research on the microbiome and fecal transplantation is advancing rapidly.
The older the webinars, the more they could contain outdated information.
EuBiome publications

Mini guida
10 cose da sapere sul trapianto fecale.
Per chi si avvicina al trapianto fecale e vuole una guida rapida e concisa che illustri i concetti base.
Machine Learning and Canine Chronic Enteropathies: A New Approach to Investigate FMT Effects.
Innocente G, Patuzzi I, Furlanello T, Di Camillo B, Bargelloni L, Giron MC, Facchin S, Savarino E, Azzolin M, Simionati B.
Vet Sci . 2022
Clinical cases of fecal transplantation
FMT application testimonial cycle
The testimonials aim to increase knowledge on fecal transplantation as an innovative, simple and effective approach for rebalancing the intestinal microbiome, which is always altered in chronic enteropathies.

Dr. Tommaso Furlanello
Trapianto fecale nelle enteropatie: 5 anni di esperienze, da condividere
Il Dr. Tommaso Furlanello, Dir. San. della Clinica Veterinaria San Marco, condivide il suo approccio clinico in corso di enteropatia cronica, sviluppato nei 5 anni di esperienza con il trapianto di microbiota fecale.
disponibile su richiesta (

Dr.ssa Francesca Brugnoli
Cosa può influenzare il successo del FMT nel cane?
Utilizzo del FMT in due casi molto diversi di enteropatia cronica nel cane: akita FS di 9 anni con EC parzialmente responsiva alla dieta e bobtail FS di 13 anni con grave EC non responsiva

Dr.ssa Miriam Marrone
FMT e disbiosi giovanile nel gatto
Utilizzo del FMT in un giovane gatto maschio sterilizzato, di circa un anno di età, affetto da diarrea cronica da diversi mesi

Dr.ssa Guendalina Caratozzolo
FMT and nutritional aspects
Yuki has chronic partially diet-responsive enteropathy. With the fecal tapianto return to the ideal weight.

Dr. Cristiano Pavan
FMT in dogs with parvovirus
Lucy is a 45-day-old parvovirus positive puppy with hemorrhagic diarrhea and vomiting. The treatment is accompanied by fecal transplant in liquid form.

Dr. Sergio Giordani
FMT in cats
Frimousse is a Bengal cat that has recurrent gastrointestinal problems when just brought home at two months.

Dr.ssa Elisabetta Di Rosa
A case of FMT in German Shepherd
Sole is 19 months old, has always suffered from diarrhea and itching. He tried everything with no answer.

Dr.ssa Francesca Fiorio
Tea becomes a mother
Tea, 4-year-old West Highland Terrier with recurrent vomiting problems from birth, thanks to FMT she is able to eliminate cortisone, to become a mother in safety.

Dr. Diego Santini
The case of Brian
Enteropathic Doberman Pinscher reached 27 kg, after the transplant he regained his normal weight of 35 kg.

Dr. Tommaso Furlanello
Protein-loosing enteropathy and FMT
Faecal transplant in dogs with chronic enteropathy for two years and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
** Available until October 31, 2022 (in case contact us).

Dr. Mirko Azzolin
Ambra German Shepherd
Faecal transplant in dogs with chronic enteropathy for two years and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

Dr. Cristiano Rebuffat
Corwin's labyrinth
The case of a two-year-old male corgi who, since he was a puppy, shows gastrointestinal problems without findings in the analysis and progressively worsening. Fecal transplant ...
Fecal transplant in practice
FMT basic concepts
Pet Microbiome Test in enteropathies YOU NEED!
Webinar cycle on the microbiome test applied to chronic enteropathies